About Prof. Aharon Namdar
Professor Aharon Namdar is the head of the Group’s Legal Department ,and is one of the top law experts in Israel in the fields of taxation, real estate and Urban Renewal.
Prof. Namdar previously served as the President of Sha’arei Mispat Law College in Hod Hasharon, and as a senior lecturer in leading law departments of universities and academic institutions all over Israel. He is currently lecturing in the Netanya Academic College.
Previously, Prof. Namdar acted as Deputy Head of the Israeli Bar Association, and head of the Association’s Advanced Studies Institute, Chairman of the National Convention of the Israeli Bar Association, as well as serving in other key positions, including Chairman of the National Council for the Prevention of Accidents in Israel, a legal advisor to the Consumer Protection Agency, and a member of the editorial staff for the journals “Mekarkein” and “Mishpatim”. He is currently a senior partner in the Namdar, Ben Attar, Bandel & Co. law firm.
Prof. Aharon Namdar has written and published many legal books, including “Pinui Binui”, “Tama 38”, “Land Taxation”, “Land Appropriation”, “Land Betterment Tax”, “Value Added Tax”, “Agricultural Adjustment” and “Urban Renewal” which have been quoted in many Supreme Court verdicts.
The Legal Department is structured in a manner which allows full and complete legal, and regulatory activity in all jurisdictions. The department also includes Adv. Alexander
Brodchandel, Adv. Uri Leeker and Adv. and CPA Emil Ben Attar.
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